ما شاء الله طبعا يكون بيفوز لأنه من أصل سلالات طيبة وعظيمة...بس انا لسه بأعتقد انه فيه حاجة انجليزي او فرنسي...وباول سيون انا قرأت عنه فيما يخص اللون الآتي:
To quote one eminent authority, A. H. Osman: 'This man has won more prizes in one season than many fanciers win in a lifetime'. Yes, Paul Sion who was later to be assisted by his son, Robert, truly exceeded (perhaps) his expectations when after becoming a fancier he adopted Luis Salembier as his teacher, the latter being one of the great French distance pigeoneers for over 50 years at that time. Sion admitted in 1935 that he belonged to the Luis Salembier school.
Upon following the advice of his mentor, Sion obtained the best of distance bloodlines including representatives of the old Verviers strain and for decades cultivated what he referred to as his old Gris (grey) strain, so called because of its origins from a son of a famous French distance racer named Gris Dugniol. Sion had purchased a champion mealy cock from M. Gris Dugniol. On the dam side his family went back to the Vekemans Red of the Wegge strain. The latter pigeon being one of the greatest in the history of the sport in Europe. The Mealy cock was bred with a mealy hen and produced a blue hen with black eyes. This hen proved to be a champion in all of her races. She was later mated to a cock of Pynen /Delathouwer bloodlines. It was from this mating that Rouge Sion, one of Sion's pivotal pigeons, was produced. The Rouge Sion went on to be a great racer and also bred many winners.
Today, there are those who claim to have representatives of the Sion strain especially in the U.S.A., where they impacted upon that fancy. How pure they are, I do not know. But there is a wide agreement that when one sees a Sion one knows that it is a Sion, which is but a reflection of the genius of their founder.
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