فهد الوطري
05-20-2011, 11:19 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هناك فكره لطلب طبيب بيطري زائر متخصص بامراض الحمام الزاجل وهو من الجنسية الالمانيه اسمه :Ralf Nisbach
وله خبرة كبيره بالفحوصات المخبريه واجراء مسح وفحص شامل لسطح ولوفتات الهاوي والتاكد من سلامتها واذا تبين فيها مرض ينصحك بالدواء المخصص لها
وسوف تكون مدة اقامته من 3-5 ايام بدولة الكويت على ان نتكفل بالاقامه والتذكره وتكلفة الفحوصات للحمام الزاجل
اريد رائيكم بهذه الفكره ومن مستعد ان يشارك فيها قريبا
نص رسالته لي :
but first some informationen about me:.
I am a german veterinarian, with a specialisation on homing pigeon, i am also a racing pigeon fancier in the third generationen, in the past I worked as Expert for the most important German pigeon feed manufactors, Ovator and Spinne.
In this time I was active as adviser for many Champions, in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium!
The best German, Dutch and Belgian pigeon veterinarians count to my friend's circle, with some I stand in regular correspondence!
Now I would like to offer you the following, I visit you quarterly and make consultation hours for the fanciers of your country , i also hold with pleasure seminars about feeding and healthy preservation.
Payment would occur on fee base, you would have to pay to additional ones the journey and departure, as well as the overnight stays!
In hope to have woken up your interest, I would be glad, in shortens to hear from you!
Yours sincerely
Ralf Nisbach
هناك فكره لطلب طبيب بيطري زائر متخصص بامراض الحمام الزاجل وهو من الجنسية الالمانيه اسمه :Ralf Nisbach
وله خبرة كبيره بالفحوصات المخبريه واجراء مسح وفحص شامل لسطح ولوفتات الهاوي والتاكد من سلامتها واذا تبين فيها مرض ينصحك بالدواء المخصص لها
وسوف تكون مدة اقامته من 3-5 ايام بدولة الكويت على ان نتكفل بالاقامه والتذكره وتكلفة الفحوصات للحمام الزاجل
اريد رائيكم بهذه الفكره ومن مستعد ان يشارك فيها قريبا
نص رسالته لي :
but first some informationen about me:.
I am a german veterinarian, with a specialisation on homing pigeon, i am also a racing pigeon fancier in the third generationen, in the past I worked as Expert for the most important German pigeon feed manufactors, Ovator and Spinne.
In this time I was active as adviser for many Champions, in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium!
The best German, Dutch and Belgian pigeon veterinarians count to my friend's circle, with some I stand in regular correspondence!
Now I would like to offer you the following, I visit you quarterly and make consultation hours for the fanciers of your country , i also hold with pleasure seminars about feeding and healthy preservation.
Payment would occur on fee base, you would have to pay to additional ones the journey and departure, as well as the overnight stays!
In hope to have woken up your interest, I would be glad, in shortens to hear from you!
Yours sincerely
Ralf Nisbach